Expiry date

Expiry date!

The expiry date of us humans should be updated & fixed at 60 years for males & 55 for females,by God by default, subject to earlier expiry (as already exists).

Many benefits.

You will die healthy in most cases.

No medical issues or expenses.

Less insurance premium.

Less expenditure by Government on old people ,old age home, pension.

Unwilling children will not have to grumble that Budhha kab marega.!

They will not have to wait long for your will,assets etc.

No housing problem.

All industries, Government, set up,parliament will have young people.

Everyone will enjoy life to the fullest as he knows his date of expiry 24 o'clock at 60 y.

No car license renewal required.

Senior citizen word will be rarely used.No seat problem in bus or train.

Modiji would have left us n our PM have been different,maybe Shah bhai ,or Rahulji & indian History would have been different.In USA also,the PM. would have been different.The same in many other countries.

Ladies will have less issues regarding looks at 55.

Amitabh Bachchan will not have to do night shifts or those funny advertisements.Hema Malini not to worry about CM.seat.

Young celebrities will think twice before marrying older person.

You can have your peg or samosa till end.

No compulsory morning walk.

No need to live without spouse for many years.

Younger generation will have to learn to shop daily groceries n vegitables.In many cases will have to take help of Google search regarding yellow dal (tuer dal or moong dal?)

You will not find rows of old people sitting in parks or on old bridge parapets discussing politics.

Production of sugar free tables, Glaucoma eye drops,B.P.tablets, wheelchairs,will go down drastically.

As people discuss date of retirement in Railways,now everyone will ask how many days to go?

Some may have celebration prior to D Day. Few may go n sit at the  funeral place 15 mintues in advance so as not to harass relatives n family members.

Yes,it will be sad for the daughters as they will not have parents to lean on.

The grandchildren will be deprived of the love, affection of nana- Nani,or dada-dadi.Who will tell them stories!

The birds will be deprived of their grain n water.

Who will buy Carvaan music system n play old Hindi songs whole day?


August 10,2018.


  1. क्या कल्पना है!
    कुछ गरीबों के नसीब में expiry date की दवाएं ही होती हैं और वे भी उतनी ही कारगर साबित होती हैं. 😊


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